4 Podcasts you want to listen to as a frontend developer
Podcasts is a great way to gain new knowledge just by listening to other. Whenever i’m out running, cleaning the house, or out travelling i like to put my earphones in and start listening to podcasts. As a frontend developer i like to hear podcasts where coding, design and web development is the main focus and i will share some of the podcasts i really like to hear and something you should probably give a listen to.
Podcast 1: Shoptalk show
Podcast here
Shoptalk is a podcast brought to you by Dave Rupert, lead developer at paravel, and Chris Coyier who create CSS Tricks and cofounded CodePen.
Specially Chris Coyier is a famous and competent figure in the frontend development and design community sharing all his tips and tricks on CSS Tricks on how to create a certain design or style an element a certain way.
In this down to earth podcast you will listen to the two hosts talking about all aspects of frontend development from configuring webpack, accessibility to understanding fonts and serverless architecture.
This podcast is a great source to learn something new, but at the same time get in a feel good mood, since the hosts is very pleasant to listen to and is also talking about developer life, family, training and other non development topics that results in a perfect combination and creating a balance.
Podcast 2: Syntax.fm
This podcast is the first frontend development podcast i’ve stumpled upon, and i’ve been listening to it every since. With podcast segments like Tasty Treats, potlocks and deep dive into different technologies like Gatsby, GraphQL and React you will find it inspirational og enjoyable. Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski, the two hosts of the podcast, is great communicators and always explain complex technologies in layman terms so all level of experience with frontend development can follow along.
If i should choose only one frontend development podcast that you should listen to, then this will be the one.
Podcast 3: Real Talk Javascript
John Papa, a known figure in the Angular community, and a expert in his field, is also hosting a podcast show. Real Talk Javascript often dives into technical challenges with eg. scaling an web application, using a design system, or integrating linters. John Papa often invites guest hosts with a great knowledge on the topic for the current episode and asking great interviewing questions. A great listen for you, if you also like frontend development podcast with a more technical approach.
Podcast 4: Coding Blocks
This show is not about frontend development, but software development in general. The three hosts is .net developers and often talks about broader and more generic topics in general spanding from software architecture, design patters to clean code and the way of a pragmatic programmer. Even though you may be a frontend developer, listening to these different technologies, techniques and paradigms of software development is a great source to expand your current knowledge set and hopefully get a broader and more general understanding in software development.